Interactive Resource Map
Review of Legal and Institutional Frameworks
To search the full text of the Review for specific keywords, use the search bar on the bottom right of the page.
To see all available frameworks, click Browse All Frameworks in the Navigation header.
To compare a Review criterion in two or more frameworks, click Compare Frameworks in the Navigation here.
Please note: the following case studies are not an exhaustive list of legal frameworks in international waters, but rather a representative set from different continents and different settings. The assessment of legal material was last updated in February 2011.
View Frameworks Geographically, click on the map below.
To search the full text of the Review for specific keywords, use the search bar on the bottom right of the page.
To see all available frameworks, click Browse All Frameworks in the Navigation header.
To compare a Review criterion in two or more frameworks, click Compare Frameworks in the Navigation here.
Please note: the following case studies are not an exhaustive list of legal frameworks in international waters, but rather a representative set from different continents and different settings. The assessment of legal material was last updated in February 2011.
View Frameworks Geographically, click on the map below.
The information in this interactive resource map is an ongoing work in progress for which the advice and assistance of the international law firm of White & Case is researching, and compiling, initial drafts is gratefully acknowledged. The accuracy, reliability, completeness and/or currency of the information in this interactive resource map nor its usefulness in achieving any particular purpose is not guaranteed or warranted. The authors will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred, or arising, by reason of any entity or person using, or relying, on information in this website.