All Selected Publications
The Facts about Texas Water
Hardberger, Amy & Eckstein, Gabriel, in Texas Law of Water Resources 7th ed. 2022 (State Bar Books)
New Strategies for Groundwater Litigation in Texas
Hardberger, Amy. 46 Wm & Mary Env’t L.& Pol’y Rev XX (2022).
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International water law and cooperating over shared freshwater resources – An introduction
Schmeier, S. & Cuadrado-Quesada, G. (2022): Eckstein, G. (ed.): World Scientific Handbook of Transboundary Water Management, Volume 1: Cooperating Over Shared Freshwater Resources Using International Law
The role of basin water treaties and basin organizations in managing transboundary water resources – Taking stock of current practice
Schmeier, S. & Blumstein, S. (2022): , Zawahri, N. (ed.): World Scientific Handbook of Transboundary Water Management, Volume 3: The Role of Formal and Informal Institutions in Managing Transboundary Basins
Groundwater Governance for conflict-affected countries
Hardberger, Amy & Aylward, Bruce, in The Role of Sound Groundwater Resources Management and Governance to Achieve Water Security, UNESCO Global Water Security Issue Series. No. 3 (2021)
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Lack of water could cut power this summer
Hardberger, Amy. San Antonio Express News & Lubbock Avalanche Journal (April 24, 2021).
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The Mekong Legal Regime – Can treaty arrangements keep up with basin development?
Schmeier, S. (2021): Gupta, J. & Dellapenna, J. (eds.): Edgar Elgar Environmental Law Series: Volume on Water Law, Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar, 255-269
The legal and institutional dimensions of effective river basin management – Governing water across levels in Europe
Schmeier, S. (2021): Ferrier, B. & Jenkins, A. (eds.): Handbook of Catchment Management, Singapore: Wiley, 309-337
International water law principles in negotiations and water diplomacy
Schmeier, S. (2021): American Journal of International Law – AJIL Unbound, 115, 173-177
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International watercourses, international water law and Central Asia
Paisley, Richard Kyle. Central Asian Journal of Water Research (2021).
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Building climate change considerations and ecosystem-based function and services into a modernized Columbia River Treaty
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Taylor Henshaw and Glen Hearns. In University of Idaho Law Review (2021)
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Water diplomacy and conflict management: The role of International River Basin Organizations in the Columbia International River Basin and the Senegal International River Basin
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Riley Denoon and Marguerite de Chaisemartin. In Schmeier, Susanne and Anoulak Kittikhoun (eds.) River Basin Organizations in Water Diplomacy. 1st edition, Routledge (2021)
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Valuing water for peace – The need for immediate systemic change
Ovink, H., Schmeier, S. & Jindal, A. (2021): International Centre on Water and Transdisciplinarity (CIRAT) (ed.): Water, Sharing and Peace Culture, Brasilia, Brazil: Brazilian Federal Senate
Fit for purpose? Rapid development of water allocation models using global data: application of the Upper Niger Basin
Meijer, K., Verschelling, E., van Verseveld, W., Donchyts, G., Schmeier, S. & Kwadijk, J. (2021): Environmental Modelling and Software, 145, 11, 105168
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Managing blue gold: A comparative study of Islamic Law and International Water Law
Rezaee, Mohammad Daud, Glen Hearns, and Christina Leb. (2020): Journal of Water Law.
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The Facts about Texas Water
Hardberger, Amy & Eckstein, Gabriel, in Texas Law of Water Resources 6th ed. 2020 (State Bar Books)
Perception of bottlenecks in the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive
Zingraff-Hamed, A., Schröter, B., Schaub, S., Lepenies, R., Stein, U., Hüesker, F., Meyer, C., Schleyer, C., Schmeier, S. & Pusch, M. (2020): Water Alternatives, 13, 3, 1-26
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Managing disagreements in European basins – What role for river basin organizations in water diplomacy?
Schmeier, S. & Zavadsky, I. (2020): Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (eds.): River Basin Organizations in Water Diplomacy, London: Routledge, 275-292
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The principle of no significant harm in international water law
Schmeier, S. & Gupta, J. (2020): International Environmental Agreements, 20, 4, 597-600
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Prior notification of planned measures – A way out of the no harm dilemma?
Schmeier, S. (2020): International Environmental Agreements, 20, 4, 683-698
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Addressing knowledge gaps for transboundary environmental governance
Milman, A., Gerlak, A., Albrecht, T., Colosimo, M., Conca, K., Kittikhoun, A., Kovacs, P., Moy, R., Schmeier, S., Wentling, K., Werick, W., Zavadsky, I. & Ziegler, J. (2020): Global Environmental Change, 64, 3, 102-162
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Conflicts and local and imported water shortage in the MENA countries
Meijer, K., Schmeier, S., Dahm, R. (2020): MED Directions (ed.): Conflicts and Natural Resources in the MENA Region and its Immediate Neighborhood, Florence: European University Institute, 47-62
River Basin Organizations in water diplomacy
Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (eds.) (2020): London: Routledge
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Introduction: Do river basin organizations make a difference in water diplomacy and conflict management
Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (2020): Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (eds.): River Basin Organizations in Water Diplomacy, London: Routledge, 1-23
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Future proofing the principle of no significant harm?
Gupta, J. & Schmeier, S. (2020): International Environmental Agreements, 20, 4, 731-747
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Managing tensions and sharing benefits – International rivers in conflict and cooperation
Grey, D., Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (2020): Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (eds.): River Basin Organizations in Water Diplomacy, London: Routledge, 293-302
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Engaging non-state actors in the negotiation and implementation of international watercourse agreements: Experiences and lessons learned.
Denoon, Riley, Richard Kyle Paisley and Taylor Henshaw. Water International (2020)
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Research Handbook on International Water Law
Edward Elgar Publishing, Co-Editor, January 2019. Research Handbook on International Water Law (S. McCaffrey, C. Leb & R. Denoon eds., Edward Elgar Pub, 2018). Covering global & regional perspectives of international watercourse law.
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Creating basin mechanisms in Southern Africa
Paisley, Richard K. and Maaria Curlier in Research Handbook on International Water Law, Stephen C. McCaffrey, Christina Leb, Riley T. Denoon (eds.) (2019)
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Prospects of the enforcement of the right to water and sanitation in Africa
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2019) in Bibia Lucky Worika, Michèle Emily Olivier and Nkiruka Chidia Maduekwe (eds.) “The Environment, Critical Policies and Legal Frameworks: An African Perspective,” Lexis Nexis pp 149 – 165
Soil Protection Law in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2019) in Ginzky (Mbote, et al., eds), “International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy,” Springer, Switzerland
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Regulating environmental impacts associated with mining in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2019) in “Environment in Africa,” Kameri-Mbote, Paterson, Ruppel | Orubebe & Kam Yogo (eds), Nomos, Germany.
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Anchoring water diplomacy: The legal design of river basin organizations
Shubber, Z. & Schmeier, S. (2018): Klimes, M. & Neal, M. (ed.): Water Diplomacy: Bridging the Science, Policy and Practice, Special Issue of the Journal of Hydrology, 567, 114-120
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Ensuring long-term cooperation over transboundary water resources through joint river basin management
Schmeier, S. & Vogel, B. (2018): Schmutz, S. et al. (eds): Riverine Ecosystem Management: Science for governing towards a sustainable future, Berlin: Springer, 347-370
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Southern Africa
Paisley, Richard Kyle and Maaria Solin Curlier. In Research Handbook on International Water Law. Edward Elgar Publishers (2018)
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Canada: The International Columbia River Basin and the Great Lakes
Paisley, Richard Kyle and Maaria Solin Curlier. In Research Handbook on International Water Law. Edward Elgar Publishers (2018)
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Environmental Law in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2018), Kluwer Law International Publishers, Netherlands
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River Basin Organizations and the governance of transboundary watercourses
Gerlak, A. & Schmeier, S. (2018): Conca, K. & Weinthal, E. (eds.): Oxford Handbook on Water Politics and Policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 532-548
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Reconciliation of development and ecosystems: The ecology of governance and the governance of ecology in the International Columbia River Basin
Cosens, Barbara, Matthew McKinney, Richard Kyle Paisley and Aaron Wolf. International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis (2018)
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Transboundary cooperation: Water as a unifying factor
Hearns, Glen (2017). In Afghanistan Transboundary Water: Perspectives on International Law and Development. (Eds D. Rezaee, J.F. Shroder, S.J. Ahmadzai, G. Hearns, N.R. Sabory and M. Danish (2017)) J. of Afghanistan Water Studies, 1 (2017) 1: 59-79
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A review of current and possible future relations in the Amu River Basin
Hassani, S. (2017) G. Hearns (Ed.), Opportunities and Challenges with Afghanistan’s Transboundary Waters. Duran Research and Analysis.
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A review of current and possible future relations in the Kabul River Basin
Malayar, I. (2017) G. Hearns (Ed.), Opportunities and Challenges with Afghanistan’s Transboundary Waters. Duran Research and Analysis.
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Dammed if you do and damned if you don't: Afghanistan's water woes
Hearns, G. (2017). In D. Reed (Ed.), Water, Security and U.S. Foreign Policy (pp. 188-204). New York and London: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
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Joint institutional arrangements for transboundary waters – a comparative analysis of state practice
Schmeier, S. (2017): Rieu-Clarke, A. et al. (eds.): Routledge Handbook on Water Law and Policy, London: Routledge, 260-274
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Winter is coming: USA strategic interests and addressing the water-energy-agriculture nexus conundrum in Central Asia
Paisley, Richard Kyle. WWF USA (2017)
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Transboundary waters, infrastructure development and public private partnerships: Through the prism of the Nam Theun 2 and Xayaburi Hydropower Projects
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Riley Denoon, Theressa Etmanski and Patrick Weiler in Lao PDR, Brill Research Perspectives (2017)
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Uganda’s Economic Development: The Challenges and Opportunities of Climate Change
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2017), Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
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Regulation (Article 25)
Henshaw, Taylor and Richard Kyle Paisley. In The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: A Commentary. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Makane Moise Mbengue, Mara Tignino and Komlan Sangbana, eds., Oxford University Press. (2017)
Disputes over international watercourses: Can River Basin Organizations make a difference?
Blumstein, S. & Schmeier, S. (2017): Dinar, A. et al. (eds): Management of Transboundary Water Resources under Scarcity: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, World Scientific Publisher, 191-236
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Forgetting nature: Including environmental flows in international water negotiations
Hardberger, Amy. 17 Oregon Review of International Law 207 (2016).
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Texas groundwater markets and the Edwards Aquifer
Hardberger, Amy. Case Study in Final Report on Political Economy of Water Markets, The Rockefeller Foundation (Oct. 2016).
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Water demands & utility pricing: Using economics to promote utility resilience
Hardberger, Amy. The Water Report (April 15, 2016).
Big Bend landowners are under siege
Hardberger, Amy. Houston Chronicle (Jan. 27, 2016).
Landowners under siege in the Big Bend
Hardberger, Amy. San Antonio Express-News (Jan. 24, 2016).
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Put your money where your water is: Building resilience through rates
Hardberger, Amy. 15 Conn. Public Interest Journal 39 (Jan. 2016).
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Transboundary international waters governance through the prism of the Mekong River Basin
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Patrick Weiler and Taylor Henshaw. In Trans-jurisdictional Water Law and Governance. Edited by Janice Gray, Cameron Holley and Rosemary Rayfuse. Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. (2016)
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A sacred responsibility: Governing the use of water and related resources in the International Columbia Basin through the prism of tribes and First Nations
Matthew J. McKinney, Richard Kyle Paisley and Molly Smith Stenovic. 37 Pub. Land & Resources L. Rev. 157 (2016)
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Development-forced land grabs and resistance in reforming Myanmar: The Letpadaung Copper Mine
Zerrouk, Emel. Routledge, Ch10, Book on Development Induced Displacement and Resettlement, to be published 27 August 2015. ISBN: 9781138838178
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Aquatic agricultural systems in Cambodia: National situation analysis
Un B, Pech S and Baran E. 2015. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. Program Report: AAS-2015-13.
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Climate change and water governance in Cambodia: Challenge and perspectives for water security and climate change in selected catchments, Cambodia
Sreymom, Sam and Pech, Sokhem, eds. 2015. Phnom Penh: CDRI
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Clearing the muddy waters of shared watercourses governance: conceptualizing international River Basin Organizations
Schmeier, S., Gerlak, A. & Blumstein, S. (2015): International Environmental Agreements, DOI: 10.1007/s10784-015-9287-4
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The 1997 UN Watercourses Convention from a North American Perspective
Paisley, Richard Kyle & Henshaw, Taylor. Specially Invited Opinions and Research Report of the International Water Law Project: Global Perspectives on the Entry into Force of the UN Watercourses Convention 2014: Part Two. Water Policy, Vol. 17(1), pp. 162-186, doi: 10.2166/wp.2014.009 (2015)
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The Lusaka Agreement Task Force as a mechanism for enforcement against wildlife crime
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2015), in Michael Faure, Peter De Smedt & An Stas (eds) “Environmental Enforcement Network: Concepts, Implementation and Effectiveness”, Edward Elgar, Publishing, UK.
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Sovereignty and International Water Agreements
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2015), in Tvedt, Terje, Owen McIntyre and Tadesse Kassa Woldetsadik (eds) Vol 2 “Sovereignty & Development of International Water Law.”
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Claves para la Elaboración de la Evaluación del Impacto Social en el Sector Energético (C-EVIS)
Guigue, A.L y León C. 2015. Guía gratuita Guigue-León. CEGAM
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Transboundary water issues: Water wars
Hardberger, Amy. 23 The Public Lawyer 10-13 (2014).
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Why government must acknowledge the interdependence of energy and water
Hardberger, Amy. Bloomberg BNA's Water Law and Policy Monitor & Bloomberg BNA’s Daily Environmental Report, Nov. 2014
Water pipeline project is wrong for San Antonio
Hardberger, Amy. Tex. Tribune, Oct. 28, 2014
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Fear should not dictate vista ridge decision
Hardberger, Amy. San Antonio Express-News (Oct. 17, 2014)
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Remembering water in the climate change regulatory equation
Hardberger, Amy. ABA 32nd Annual Water Law Conference (June 4-6, 2014)
SAWS impact fees represent more than meets the eye
Hardberger, Amy. Rivard Report (May 22, 2014, 12:11 AM)
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Water is a girl’s best friend: Examining the water valuation dilemma
Hardberger, Amy. 62 Kansas Law Review 101 (2014)
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Understanding the municipal water valuation dilemma
Hardberger, Amy. Texas Water Law CLE (March 27 - 28, 2014)
The media discourse of land grabbing and resistance during Myanmar’s legal reformation: The Monywa Copper Mine
Zerrouk E and Neef, A. 2014. Law and Development Review ISSN 2194-6523
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The institutional design of River Basin Organizations – Empirical findings from around the world
Schmeier, S. (2014): International Journal of River Basin Management, 13, 1, 51-72
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River Basin Organizations lost in translation? Transboundary river basin governance between science and policy
Schmeier, S. (2014): Bogardi, J. et al. (eds): The Global Water System in the Anthropocene. Challenges for Science and Governance, Berlin: Springer, 369-383
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If you can't measure it you can't manage it: Transboundary waters, good governance and data and information sharing and exchange
Paisley, Richard Kyle and Taylor Henshaw. 24 Ind. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev 204 (2014)
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The complexities of developing a transboundary water resources management agreement: experiences from the Nile Basin
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2014), in Michael Kidd “Water and the law,” Edward Elgar, Publishing, UK
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Getting what you need: Designing institutional architecture for effective governance of international waters
Hearns, Glen S., Taylor W. Henshaw and Richard K. Paisley. Elsevier Environmental Development (2014)
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Climate change and transboundary waters: A study of discourse in the Mekong River Commission
Gerlak, A. & Schmeier, S. (2014): Journal of Environment and Development, 23, 3, 358-386
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World’s worst game of telephone: Attempting to understand the conversation between Texas’ legislature and courts on groundwater
Hardberger, Amy. 43 Texas Environmental Law Journal 257 (2013)
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The future of San Antonio: Water and energy needs meet land use planning
Hardberger, Amy. The Rivard Report (Oct. 4, 2013)
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Powering the tap dry: Regulatory alternatives for the energy water nexus
Hardberger, Amy. 84 Colorado Law Review 101 (2013)
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Water Sector Analysis
Pech, Sokhem (2013) in Alexander Smajgl and John Ward (edits), The Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Mekong Region – Assessing Strategies Considering Cross-Sectoral and Transboundary Impacts, Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London, pp. 19-60 ISBN: 978-1-4614-6119-7
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Governing international watercourses: The contribution of River Basin Organizations to the effective governance of internationally shared rivers and lakes
Schmeier, S. (2013): London/New York: Routledge
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Effektives Management grenzüberschreitender Flussgebiete – die Rolle von Flussgebietskommissionen
Schmeier, S. (2013): Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 57, 4, 179-184
A river runs through us: The Columbia River Treaty is a model of international co-operation but it could soon expire
Paisley, Richard Kyle. Volume February / March Canada's History Magazine 48 (2013)
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Transboundary governance of the Nile River Basin: Past, present and future
Paisley, Richard Kyle, and Taylor Henshaw. 7 Elsevier Environmental Development 59 (2013)
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Columbia River Treaty: Past, present and future
Paisley, Richard Kyle and John Shurts. In Bakker, Karen, Emma Norman and Alice Cohen. Water Without Borders: Canada, the U.S. and Shared Water. University of Toronto Press (2013)
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Moving beyond catch in allocation approaches for internationally shared fish stocks
Bailey, Megan, Gakushi Ishiura, Richard Kyle Paisley, and U. Rashid Sumaila. Marine Policy
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Inter-municipal alliances in Mexico: Alternatives and decentralization examples (89-116)
León, C., José Sosa and Sergio Graf. 2013. In Fraga, J., G. J. Villalobos, S. Doyon and Ana García (Coordinators), 2013. De-centralization and environmental management. Coastal Governance in Mexico. Universidad Autonoma de Campeche, Cinvestav. 340 pp.
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Uncoupled public policies and institutions: Persistent challenges for management of altered ecosystems
León, C., and M. Merino-Ibarra. 2013. In Yáñez-Arancibia, A., R. Dávalos-Sotelo, J.W. Day, and E. Reyes (Eds). Ecological Dimensions for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development, WIT Press, Southampton UK, 636 pp.
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Federal subsidies and their effect over land use change in coastal lagoons mangrove ecosystems
León, C. et al. “Diagnóstico de la dinámica y motores de cambio de los manglares de las lagunas La Palma y Mechoacán-Julivá Santa Anita”. CONABIO. 2013.
Tonle Sap now and in the future?
Keskinen M, Matti K, Aura S, Paradis S, Hannu L, Hans M, Philip W, & Sokhem P (2013). Final Report of the Exploring Tonle Sap Futures study, Aalto University and 100Gen Ltd. in partnership with Tonle Sap Authority and Supreme National Economic Council
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Adaptation by a river basin organization: three cases of trigger and adaptive response within the Mekong River Commission
Heikkila, T., Gerlak, A., Bell, A. & Schmeier, S. (2013): Environmental Science and Policy, 25, 1, 73-82
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Lawyers write treaties, engineers build dikes, gods of weather ignore both: Making transboundary international waters agreements relevant, flexible and resilient in a time of global climate change
Hearns, Glen and Richard Kyle Paisley. 6 Golden Gate Univ. Env. Law Journal 259 (2013)
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Institutional architecture and the good governance of international transboundary waters
Hearns, Glen, Richard Kyle Paisley, and Taylor Henshaw (2013)
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Water grabbing/land grabbing in shared water basins the case of Salween River Hatgyi Dam
Zerrouk, E. Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science. Vol. 2, No. 5, 2013, pp. 68-78. doi: 10.11648/j.wros.20130205.13
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Present and future allocation approaches for internationally shared fish stocks
Bailey, Megan., Gakushi Ishimura, Richard Kyle Paisley and U. Rashid Sumaila. Marine Policy 40 (2013) 124–136 (2013)
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Ripples in a Lake
Hardberger, Amy. This Land Press (Nov. 4, 2012)
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The problem with geopolitics: Salween River, development, and the relocation of Indigenous Peoples
Zerrouk, Emel. July 2012. Presented paper at self-organized side event to the HRC (Human Rights Council)/Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN Palais De Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Mekong energy metabolism: Connecting energy demand into the nexus of food-water-energy security
Ward, J., T. Foran, A. Smajgl, L. Bouapao, S. Pech, and X. Lu. (2012) in H. Moinuddin, editor. International Conference on GMS 2020: Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability, 20 - 21 February 2012, Bangkok.
Governing environmental change in International River Basins – The role of River Basin Organizations
Schulze, S. & Schmeier, S. (2012): International Journal of River Basin Management, 10, 3, 229-244
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Navigating cooperation beyond the absence of conflict: Mapping determinants for the effectiveness of River Basin Organizations
Schmeier, S. (2012): International Journal for Sustainable Societies, Special Issue: Water Wars in the 21st Century, 4, 1-2, 11-27
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The future of food, energy and water in the Mekong region: An expert panel approach – Water Sector Analysis
Pech S, 2012. National Flagships “Climate Adaptation”, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), South Victoria, Australia.
Transboundary river governance in the face of uncertainty: The Columbia River Treaty
McCaffrey, Stephen C., Richard Kyle Paisley, Lynette de Silva, and Aaron Wolf in 2014 and Beyond: International Experiences and Lessons Learned, in The Columbia River Treaty Revisited: Transboundary River Governance in the Face of Uncertainty, Oregon State University Press (2012)
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Replicating policy that works: Payment for environmental services in Mexico
León, Cuauhtemoc, Paola Bauche, Sergio Graf, Sofía Cortina, Juan Manuel Frausto. 2012. Solutions Journal 3 (5): 82-88.
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Legal Framework for Development and Balancing of Interests in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2012), in Michael Faure & Willemien du Plessis (eds) “The balancing of interests in environmental law in Africa,” Pretoria University Law Press.
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Environmental regulation of oil and gas exploration and production in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2012), Energy & Natural Resources Law, Vol. 30, No. 2.
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Application of international standards in drafting environmental legislation and law reform projects: The African experience
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2012), International Journal of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform, Vol. 1, Issue 1.
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Study on climate change, disaster risk management and the urban poor
León, Cuauhtemoc. Mexico City Case Study. (2011)
Examining legitimacy and legality in the context of multi-lateral, multi-river basin treaty frameworks - UN Watercourses Convention and Greater Mekong Sub-region
Sokhem P, 2011. (in press) IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science (CWLPS), University of Dundee.
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Some reflections on the resolution of state-to-state disputes in International Waters Governance Agreements.
Paisley, Richard Kyle and Alex Grzybowski. International Journal of Rural Law and Policy, North America, 0, Oct. 2011.
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Developing a Cooperative Framework Agreement for a Transboundary River: Lessons from a comparative analysis of the Mekong and Nile
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2011), USA Law-China Law Review, No. 8, Vol. 8.
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Public interest litigation as a mechanism for enforcing environmental rights and duties in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2011), in L Paddock et al “Compliance and Enforcement In Environmental Law: Toward More Effective Implementation,” Edward Elgar, Publishing, UK.
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Energy Law in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2011), Kluwer Law International Publishers, Netherlands.
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Combating climate change in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2011), in J Benidickson et al “Environmental Law and Sustainability After Rio,” Edward Elgar, Publishing, UK.
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Cambodia and Mekong Water Resources Governance
Sokhem P (2010) in Sato J. (ed.) “Transboundary Resources and Environment in Mainland Southeast Asia”, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo, pp. 151 – 170.
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Cooperative management of the Mekong is crucial for over 70 million people
Paisley, Richard Kyle. Memo # 32, Asia Pacific Memo. 26 October 2010 (2010)
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Visión de México sobre REDD+. Hacia una Estrategia Nacional
León, Cuauhtemoc, Mexican REDD+ National Policy (presented at COP 16). (2010)
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Regionale kooperationsstrukturen am Mekong und die institutionalisierte Bewältigung regionaler Konflikte um grenzüberschreitende natürliche ressourcen
Menniken, T. & Schmeier, S. (2010): Internationales Asienforum, 41, 3-4, 215-242
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The impact of colonial agreements on the regulation of the waters of the River Nile
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B. (2010), Water International Vol. 35, Issue 6, Taylor & Francis, UK.
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Regulatory mechanisms for implementing renewable energy projects in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2010) in R Mwebaza R and L J Kotzé “Environmental governance and climate change in Africa: Legal perspectives,” Institute of Security Studies, South Africa.
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Policy and legal dimensions of CDM projects in forestry sector: Implications for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2010), in B.J. Richardson et al “Climate Law and Developing Countries,” Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, UK.
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Carbon rights in REDD-plus and their implications for Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2010), REDD-net East Africa Bulletin.
Future Palestinian Water I: Resources, Allocation and Perception
Hassan, Marwan A., Graham McIntyre, Abed Al-Rahman Tamimi, Mousa Diabat, Richard Kyle Paisley and Khaled Shahin. Geography Compass 4/2: 118–138 (2010)
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Beyond International Water Law: Successfully negotiating Mutually Beneficial Agreements for International Watercourses
Grzybowski, Alex, Stephen C. McCaffrey and Richard Kyle Paisley. 22 Pacific McGeorge Global Business & Development Law Journal 139 (2010)
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The Greening of Water Law: Managing freshwater resources for people and the environment
Eckstein, Gabriel (ed.), Stefano Burchi, Richard Paisley, and Maaria Curlier. UNEP (2010).
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Book review: Native Peoples and water rights: Irrigation, dams, and the law in Western Canada
Boye, Hana and Richard Kyle Paisley. Matsui, K. 2009. Vancouver: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Water Alternatives 3(2): 469-472. (2010)
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Development of a support tool for complex decision making in the provision of rural maternity care
Hearns, G., M. Klein, W. Trousedale, C. Ulrich, D. Butcher, C Meiwald, R. Lindstrom, S Eftekhary, J. Rosinski, O. Ramírez and A. Procyk (2009). Healthcare Policy, 5(3) 2010: 82-96.
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Managing the risks of CO2 sequestration
Hardberger, Amy & Anderson, Scott. Southwest Hydrology September/October (2009)
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Energy-Water Nexus in Texas
Hardberger, Amy. Environmental Defense Fund Publication (2009) (coauthored with University of Texas)
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Regional cooperation efforts in the Mekong River Basin: Mitigating river-related security threats and promoting regional development
Schmeier, S. (2009): Austrian Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 2, 2, 28-52
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The Role of the judiciary in environmental governance in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2009), in L.J. Kotze and A R Paterson (eds) “The Role of the Judiciary in Environmental Governance: Comparative Perspectives,” Kluwer International Publishers, Netherlands.
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State practice in the management and allocation of transboundary ground water resources in North America
Hardberger, Amy & Gabriel Eckstein. 18 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 96 (2008)
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Why we do the things we do?: The role of ethics in water resource planning
Hardberger, Amy. 6 Santa Clara Journal of International Law 129 (2008)
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From policy to reality: Maximizing urban water conservation in Texas
Hardberger, Amy. Environmental Defense Fund Publication (2008)
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From Rudyard Kipling’s Kim to Amitav Ghosh’s In an Antique Land: An investigation into the representation of the “Other” in a colonial text and a postcolonial text
Zerrouk, Emel. Undergrad Thesis: 2008, Singapore.
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Study on trends of fish resources in the Tonle Sap Basin – Their correlation with hydrological conditions of the Mekong River
Pech, Sokhem, Sunada K, Oishi S, Miyazawa N and Tanaka, 2008. Intl. J. River Basin Management Vol. 6, No. 3 (2008), pp. 277–282.
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Chapter 6 Implementing trans-boundary management of water resources
Pech, Sokhem, 2008 Peer-reviewed book chapter: in: Claudia S, et al (Edit) Share - Management Water across Boundaries, IUCN Environmental Law Programme, IUCN Environmental Law Centre, pp. 85 -93.
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Population growth and natural resources pressures in Mekong River Basin
Pech, Sokhem and Sunada K, 2008. Ambio – A Journal of the Human Environment, Vol. XXXVII, No. 3 (May), Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, pp. 219 - 224.
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Is sharing and caring Mekong Region possible? - Institutional Capacity Assessment for sustainable policy scenarios
Pech, Sokhem and Sunada K, 2008, Peer-reviewed Book Chapter In: The Modern Mekong Myth Book, Finnish Academy of Sciences, Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), pp. 135 - 148.
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Staat oder Markt im sozioökonomischen Entwicklungsprozess. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Rolle des Staates im Entwicklungsprozess in Afrika und Südostasien
Schmeier, S. (2008): Saarbrücken: VDM
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Overview of the UBC / COLMEX / GEF Transboundary International Waters Research Initiative
Paisley, Richard Kyle. (Proceedings of the XIII World Water Congress, Montpellier, France) (2008)
International Watercourses / River Basins including Law, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Simulation Training Exercises
Paisley, Richard Kyle et. al. FAOWATER, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome (2008)
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Mahakali Treaty: Looking through a new lens at water resource development,
Hearns, G (2007) in F. Rotberg and A. Swain (eds) Natural Resources Security in South Asia: Nepal’s Water, Institute for Security and Development Policy, University of Uppsala, Sweden (October 2007)
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Managing transboundary rivers: The case of the Mekong River Basin
Sokhem P, Sunada K and Oishi S, 2007, International Water Resources Association Water International, Volume 32, Number 4, Pg. 503-523, December 2007.
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Alianzas intermunicipales en México: Alternativas y ejemplos para la descentralización
León, C., José Sosa y Sergio Graf. 2007. In Fraga, J., G. Villalobos, B. Campos y S.Doyon. Procesos de Gestión Ambiental y Descentralización en el Manejo Ambiental. Vínculos entre agencias del gobierno, centros de investigación, ONGs y municipios costeros. IDRC-CINVESTAV.
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The development of environmental law and its Impact on sustainable use of wetlands in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2007) in Mbote, et al. (eds) “Land Use Law for Sustainable Development,” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
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In the defence of posterity: Challenges of implementing clean development mechanisms in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2007) in O.K. Fauchald and J Werksmaneds “16 Year Book of International Environmental Law,” Oxford University Press; Oxford.
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Summaries from the symposium: Precious, worthless, or immeasurable: The value and ethic of water
Hardberger, Amy & Gabriel Eckstein. Proceedings of the Symposium–Precious, Worthless, or Incalculable: The Value and Ethic of Water, Vol. 2, Center for Water Law & Policy and International Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Land Studies, Texas Tech University (A.C. Corrêa & Gabriel Eckstein, eds. 2006)
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Whose job it is anyway? Governmental obligations created by the human right to water
Hardberger, Amy. 41 Texas International Law Journal 533 (2006)
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The governance of the Tonle Sap Lake, Cam bodia: Integration of local, national and international levels
Pech, Sokhem and Sunada K, 2006. Int’l Journal of Water Resources Development, Vol. 22 No. 3, pp. 299 -416.
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Some observations from recent experiences with the governance of international drainage basins
Paisley, Richard Kyle and Glen Hearns in Proceedings of the Symposium - Precious, Worthless, or Incalculable: The Value and Ethic of Water, Vol. 2, Centre for Water Law & Policy and International Centre for Arid and Semi-Arid Land Studies, Texas Tech University. A.C. Corrêa & Gabriel Eckstein, eds. (2006)
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Life, liberty, and the pursuit of water: Evaluating water as a human right and the duties and obligations it creates
Hardberger, Amy. 4 Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights 331 (2005)
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What lies beneath: Determining the necessity of international groundwater policy along the United States–Mexico border and a roadmap to an agreement
Hardberger, Amy. 35 Texas Tech Law Review 1212 (2004)
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International water law, transboundary water resources and development aid effectiveness
Paisley, Richard Kyle. 1 Indian Jurid. Review 67 (2004)
Integrated Coastal Management (ICM): A brief legal and institutional comparison among Canada, the United States and Mexico
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Maaria Curlier, Cuauhtémoc León, Boris Graizbord, Eugene Bricklemyer Jr., 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 195 (2004).
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Transboundary water management: An institutional comparison among Canada, the United States and Mexico
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Cuauhtémoc León, Boris Graizbord and Eugene Bricklemyer, Jr. 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 177 (2004)
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Challenges for managing the North American Coastal Zone
León, Cuauhtémoc, Boris Graizbord, Richard Kyle Paisley, Eugene Bricklemyer and Juan J. del Toro. 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 281 (2004)
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Desiderata for public policy requirements for the Mexican coastline
León, Cuauhtémoc, Boris Graizbord, Richard Kyle Paisley and Eugene Bricklemyer, Jr. 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 221 (2004)
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Ambivalences and asymmetries in the urbanization process in the Gulf of Mexico: Environmental pressures and population concentration
León, C., and H. Rodriguez. 2004. In M. Caso, I. Pisanty and Exequiel Ezcurra, Editors (Spanish Version) Kim Withers and Marion Nipper, Editors (English Translation). Environmental Analysis of the Gulf of Mexico. SEMARNAT-INE- Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies.
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El ordenamiento ecológico como un instrumento de política pública para impulsar el desarrollo sustentable: caso en el noroeste de México
León, C. I. Espejel, L. Bravo, J. Fermán, B. Graizbord, J Sobrino y J. Sosa. 2004. In E. Rivera, Guillermo Villalobos, Isaac Azuz y Fco. Rosado (Eds) El Manejo Costero en México". EPOMEX-SEMARNAT-CETYS-UQROO. 654 pp.
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Preservation of coastal spaces: A dialogue on Oregon’s experience with integrated land use management
Bricklemyer, Eugene, Jr., Shelby Smith, Cuauhtémoc León, Boris Graizbord and Richard Kyle Paisley. 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 239 (2004)
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Appropriate sanitation and integrated coastal management - An ecologically based human waste treatment system for coastal settlements on the Bahia De Navidad, Jalisco State, Mexico
Bricklemyer, Eugene Jr., Alfredo Tomas Ortega Ojedo, Cuauhtémoc León, Boris Graizbord and Richard Kyle Paisley. 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 301 (2004)
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Monsters of the Forest: Fighting Ebola in the Congo
Hearns, G (2003), Médecins Sans Frontières Dispatches, Spring.
The role of law and the legal system in the achievement of sustainability in the Fraser River Estuary
Paisley, Richard Kyle. In “The Fraser River Delta: Issues in an Urban Estuary”. The Geological Survey of Canada and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Pacific Division (2003)
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Conflict Resolution: Suits
Paisley, R.K. In EOLSS (Encyclopedia of Life Sciences) UNESCO Project. UNESCO, Paris, France (2003)
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Challenges of negotiating an agreement on a transboundary river: Lessons for the Nile Basin
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2003), in the Uganda Law Focus, Law Development Centre, Kampala.
International water law and down stream benefits
Paisley, Richard Kyle. In Communities in SE Asia: Challenges and Responses, Lansdowne, Helen, Dearden, Philip, and William Neilson, Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria (2002)
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Adversaries into partners: International water law and down stream benefits
Paisley, Richard Kyle. 3 (2) Melbourne Journal of International Law 280 (2002)
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Developing a cadre of professionals with a global environmental perspective
León, C. and M. Robles. 2002. Ocean & Coastal Management 45:633-648.
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International responses to water quality management: Lessons from the Nile
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2001), Makerere Law Journal, Kampala.
Intangible fences: Intellectual property rights over genetic resources for food and agriculture
Hearns, G. (2000) in C. Schofield et al. (ed) Permeable Borders and Boundaries in a Globalizing World: New Opportunities or Old Problems? International Environmental Law and Policy Series, Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff.
Genetic Resources: Law and Morality
Hearns, G. (1999) in Proceedings of SOS AMAZONAS Symposium, FUNDES; Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera, Bogota November 16-20, 1999.
The relevancy of sub-basin legal and institutional approaches in the Nile basin
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (1998), South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, Durban.
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The environment as human right: Lessons from Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (1998), African Society of International and Comparative Law, London.
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Transboundary protected area coordination: Experiences in Central America and opportunities in the South China Sea
Hearns, G. (1997) in G. Blake et al. (ed.) International Boundaries & Environmental Security: Frameworks for Regional Co-operation, International Environmental Law and Policy Series, Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff.
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Managing Potential Conflicts in the South China Sea
Hearns, G. and Stormont, W. (1996). Marine Policy, Vol. 20. No. 2. pp. 177-181.
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Sustainable development in the International Tropical Timber Agreements
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (1996), Journal for Energy and Natural Resources Law, University of Dundee, Scotland.
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Poseidon’s trident: Biological diversity preservation, resource conservation and conflict avoidance in the South China Sea
Hearns, G. and Tyedmers, P. (1995) in G. Blake et al. (ed.) The Peaceful Management of Transboundary Resources, International Environmental Law and Policy Series, Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff.
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Science and the establishment of Marine Protected Areas
Paisley, R.K. In Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries: Proceedings of the Symposium on Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries conducted at the Second International Conference on Science and the Management of Protected Areas held at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 16-20 May 1994, Science and Management of Protected Areas Association (1995)
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International water law, pollution risk and the Tatshenshini River
Paisley, R. K. and T. McDaniels. 35 Nat. Res. J. 111. (1995)
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An international legal framework for forest management and sustainable development
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (1995), Golden Gate University, Annual Survey of International and Comparative Law.
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Preface: Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries
Paisley, R.K. In Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries: Proceedings of the Symposium on Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries conducted at the Second International Conference on Science and the Management of Protected Areas held at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 16-20 May 1994, Science and Management of Protected Areas Association (1995)
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Cooperative fisheries management involving First Nations in British Columbia: An adaptive approach to strategy design
McDaniels, T., Paisley, R.K. and M.C. Healey. 51(9) C.J.F.A.S. 2115 (1994)
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Aquatic resources policy and management in the Mackenzie Basin: Working papers
Bocking, Stephen, Brent Sprecher, Dixon Thompson, Maaria Solin Curlier, and Michael Healey. Westwater Research Centre (UBC) (1994).
Fisheries and the Environment
Paisley, Richard Kyle. Chapter 13 in Thompson, Geoffrey, Moira McConnell and Lynne Huestis, Environment, Law and Business in Canada. Canada Law Book (1993)
Rivers and routes in British Columbia: Final report
Paisley, R. Kyle and Maaria Solin Curlier. Westwater Research Centre (UBC) (1993).
Sustainable development, the environment and the Pacific Rim in the 21st century
Paisley, R. K. 27(1) U.B.C. Law Review 107 (1993)
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Chemical Time Bombs in the Mediterranean
Amezaga, J. and Hearns, G. (1991). Mondial Alternative, Periodic Publications Series. Amsterdam. Autumn 1991.
Pacific fisheries and the emerging International Law of the Sea
Paisley, Richard Kyle. 24 U.B.C. Law Review 105 (1990)
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International Regulation of Fisheries
Paisley, Richard Kyle. In Sustainable Development in Canada: Options for Law Reform. Canadian Bar Association. (1990)
Book Review: Treaties on trial: The continuing controversy over North West Indian Fishing Rights
Paisley, R.K. Book by Fay G. Cohen, Joan La France and Vivian L. Bowden. 3 Can. J. Law and Soc. 279 (1988)
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Hardberger, Amy & Eckstein, Gabriel, in Texas Law of Water Resources 7th ed. 2022 (State Bar Books)
New Strategies for Groundwater Litigation in Texas
Hardberger, Amy. 46 Wm & Mary Env’t L.& Pol’y Rev XX (2022).
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International water law and cooperating over shared freshwater resources – An introduction
Schmeier, S. & Cuadrado-Quesada, G. (2022): Eckstein, G. (ed.): World Scientific Handbook of Transboundary Water Management, Volume 1: Cooperating Over Shared Freshwater Resources Using International Law
The role of basin water treaties and basin organizations in managing transboundary water resources – Taking stock of current practice
Schmeier, S. & Blumstein, S. (2022): , Zawahri, N. (ed.): World Scientific Handbook of Transboundary Water Management, Volume 3: The Role of Formal and Informal Institutions in Managing Transboundary Basins
Groundwater Governance for conflict-affected countries
Hardberger, Amy & Aylward, Bruce, in The Role of Sound Groundwater Resources Management and Governance to Achieve Water Security, UNESCO Global Water Security Issue Series. No. 3 (2021)
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Lack of water could cut power this summer
Hardberger, Amy. San Antonio Express News & Lubbock Avalanche Journal (April 24, 2021).
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The Mekong Legal Regime – Can treaty arrangements keep up with basin development?
Schmeier, S. (2021): Gupta, J. & Dellapenna, J. (eds.): Edgar Elgar Environmental Law Series: Volume on Water Law, Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar, 255-269
The legal and institutional dimensions of effective river basin management – Governing water across levels in Europe
Schmeier, S. (2021): Ferrier, B. & Jenkins, A. (eds.): Handbook of Catchment Management, Singapore: Wiley, 309-337
International water law principles in negotiations and water diplomacy
Schmeier, S. (2021): American Journal of International Law – AJIL Unbound, 115, 173-177
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International watercourses, international water law and Central Asia
Paisley, Richard Kyle. Central Asian Journal of Water Research (2021).
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Building climate change considerations and ecosystem-based function and services into a modernized Columbia River Treaty
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Taylor Henshaw and Glen Hearns. In University of Idaho Law Review (2021)
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Water diplomacy and conflict management: The role of International River Basin Organizations in the Columbia International River Basin and the Senegal International River Basin
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Riley Denoon and Marguerite de Chaisemartin. In Schmeier, Susanne and Anoulak Kittikhoun (eds.) River Basin Organizations in Water Diplomacy. 1st edition, Routledge (2021)
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Valuing water for peace – The need for immediate systemic change
Ovink, H., Schmeier, S. & Jindal, A. (2021): International Centre on Water and Transdisciplinarity (CIRAT) (ed.): Water, Sharing and Peace Culture, Brasilia, Brazil: Brazilian Federal Senate
Fit for purpose? Rapid development of water allocation models using global data: application of the Upper Niger Basin
Meijer, K., Verschelling, E., van Verseveld, W., Donchyts, G., Schmeier, S. & Kwadijk, J. (2021): Environmental Modelling and Software, 145, 11, 105168
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Managing blue gold: A comparative study of Islamic Law and International Water Law
Rezaee, Mohammad Daud, Glen Hearns, and Christina Leb. (2020): Journal of Water Law.
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The Facts about Texas Water
Hardberger, Amy & Eckstein, Gabriel, in Texas Law of Water Resources 6th ed. 2020 (State Bar Books)
Perception of bottlenecks in the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive
Zingraff-Hamed, A., Schröter, B., Schaub, S., Lepenies, R., Stein, U., Hüesker, F., Meyer, C., Schleyer, C., Schmeier, S. & Pusch, M. (2020): Water Alternatives, 13, 3, 1-26
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Managing disagreements in European basins – What role for river basin organizations in water diplomacy?
Schmeier, S. & Zavadsky, I. (2020): Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (eds.): River Basin Organizations in Water Diplomacy, London: Routledge, 275-292
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The principle of no significant harm in international water law
Schmeier, S. & Gupta, J. (2020): International Environmental Agreements, 20, 4, 597-600
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Prior notification of planned measures – A way out of the no harm dilemma?
Schmeier, S. (2020): International Environmental Agreements, 20, 4, 683-698
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Addressing knowledge gaps for transboundary environmental governance
Milman, A., Gerlak, A., Albrecht, T., Colosimo, M., Conca, K., Kittikhoun, A., Kovacs, P., Moy, R., Schmeier, S., Wentling, K., Werick, W., Zavadsky, I. & Ziegler, J. (2020): Global Environmental Change, 64, 3, 102-162
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Conflicts and local and imported water shortage in the MENA countries
Meijer, K., Schmeier, S., Dahm, R. (2020): MED Directions (ed.): Conflicts and Natural Resources in the MENA Region and its Immediate Neighborhood, Florence: European University Institute, 47-62
River Basin Organizations in water diplomacy
Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (eds.) (2020): London: Routledge
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Introduction: Do river basin organizations make a difference in water diplomacy and conflict management
Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (2020): Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (eds.): River Basin Organizations in Water Diplomacy, London: Routledge, 1-23
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Future proofing the principle of no significant harm?
Gupta, J. & Schmeier, S. (2020): International Environmental Agreements, 20, 4, 731-747
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Managing tensions and sharing benefits – International rivers in conflict and cooperation
Grey, D., Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (2020): Kittikhoun, A. & Schmeier, S. (eds.): River Basin Organizations in Water Diplomacy, London: Routledge, 293-302
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Engaging non-state actors in the negotiation and implementation of international watercourse agreements: Experiences and lessons learned.
Denoon, Riley, Richard Kyle Paisley and Taylor Henshaw. Water International (2020)
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Research Handbook on International Water Law
Edward Elgar Publishing, Co-Editor, January 2019. Research Handbook on International Water Law (S. McCaffrey, C. Leb & R. Denoon eds., Edward Elgar Pub, 2018). Covering global & regional perspectives of international watercourse law.
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Creating basin mechanisms in Southern Africa
Paisley, Richard K. and Maaria Curlier in Research Handbook on International Water Law, Stephen C. McCaffrey, Christina Leb, Riley T. Denoon (eds.) (2019)
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Prospects of the enforcement of the right to water and sanitation in Africa
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2019) in Bibia Lucky Worika, Michèle Emily Olivier and Nkiruka Chidia Maduekwe (eds.) “The Environment, Critical Policies and Legal Frameworks: An African Perspective,” Lexis Nexis pp 149 – 165
Soil Protection Law in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2019) in Ginzky (Mbote, et al., eds), “International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy,” Springer, Switzerland
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Regulating environmental impacts associated with mining in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2019) in “Environment in Africa,” Kameri-Mbote, Paterson, Ruppel | Orubebe & Kam Yogo (eds), Nomos, Germany.
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Anchoring water diplomacy: The legal design of river basin organizations
Shubber, Z. & Schmeier, S. (2018): Klimes, M. & Neal, M. (ed.): Water Diplomacy: Bridging the Science, Policy and Practice, Special Issue of the Journal of Hydrology, 567, 114-120
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Ensuring long-term cooperation over transboundary water resources through joint river basin management
Schmeier, S. & Vogel, B. (2018): Schmutz, S. et al. (eds): Riverine Ecosystem Management: Science for governing towards a sustainable future, Berlin: Springer, 347-370
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Southern Africa
Paisley, Richard Kyle and Maaria Solin Curlier. In Research Handbook on International Water Law. Edward Elgar Publishers (2018)
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Canada: The International Columbia River Basin and the Great Lakes
Paisley, Richard Kyle and Maaria Solin Curlier. In Research Handbook on International Water Law. Edward Elgar Publishers (2018)
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Environmental Law in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2018), Kluwer Law International Publishers, Netherlands
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River Basin Organizations and the governance of transboundary watercourses
Gerlak, A. & Schmeier, S. (2018): Conca, K. & Weinthal, E. (eds.): Oxford Handbook on Water Politics and Policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 532-548
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Reconciliation of development and ecosystems: The ecology of governance and the governance of ecology in the International Columbia River Basin
Cosens, Barbara, Matthew McKinney, Richard Kyle Paisley and Aaron Wolf. International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis (2018)
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Transboundary cooperation: Water as a unifying factor
Hearns, Glen (2017). In Afghanistan Transboundary Water: Perspectives on International Law and Development. (Eds D. Rezaee, J.F. Shroder, S.J. Ahmadzai, G. Hearns, N.R. Sabory and M. Danish (2017)) J. of Afghanistan Water Studies, 1 (2017) 1: 59-79
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A review of current and possible future relations in the Amu River Basin
Hassani, S. (2017) G. Hearns (Ed.), Opportunities and Challenges with Afghanistan’s Transboundary Waters. Duran Research and Analysis.
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A review of current and possible future relations in the Kabul River Basin
Malayar, I. (2017) G. Hearns (Ed.), Opportunities and Challenges with Afghanistan’s Transboundary Waters. Duran Research and Analysis.
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Dammed if you do and damned if you don't: Afghanistan's water woes
Hearns, G. (2017). In D. Reed (Ed.), Water, Security and U.S. Foreign Policy (pp. 188-204). New York and London: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
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Joint institutional arrangements for transboundary waters – a comparative analysis of state practice
Schmeier, S. (2017): Rieu-Clarke, A. et al. (eds.): Routledge Handbook on Water Law and Policy, London: Routledge, 260-274
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Winter is coming: USA strategic interests and addressing the water-energy-agriculture nexus conundrum in Central Asia
Paisley, Richard Kyle. WWF USA (2017)
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Transboundary waters, infrastructure development and public private partnerships: Through the prism of the Nam Theun 2 and Xayaburi Hydropower Projects
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Riley Denoon, Theressa Etmanski and Patrick Weiler in Lao PDR, Brill Research Perspectives (2017)
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Uganda’s Economic Development: The Challenges and Opportunities of Climate Change
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2017), Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
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Regulation (Article 25)
Henshaw, Taylor and Richard Kyle Paisley. In The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: A Commentary. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Makane Moise Mbengue, Mara Tignino and Komlan Sangbana, eds., Oxford University Press. (2017)
Disputes over international watercourses: Can River Basin Organizations make a difference?
Blumstein, S. & Schmeier, S. (2017): Dinar, A. et al. (eds): Management of Transboundary Water Resources under Scarcity: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, World Scientific Publisher, 191-236
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Forgetting nature: Including environmental flows in international water negotiations
Hardberger, Amy. 17 Oregon Review of International Law 207 (2016).
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Texas groundwater markets and the Edwards Aquifer
Hardberger, Amy. Case Study in Final Report on Political Economy of Water Markets, The Rockefeller Foundation (Oct. 2016).
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Water demands & utility pricing: Using economics to promote utility resilience
Hardberger, Amy. The Water Report (April 15, 2016).
Big Bend landowners are under siege
Hardberger, Amy. Houston Chronicle (Jan. 27, 2016).
Landowners under siege in the Big Bend
Hardberger, Amy. San Antonio Express-News (Jan. 24, 2016).
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Put your money where your water is: Building resilience through rates
Hardberger, Amy. 15 Conn. Public Interest Journal 39 (Jan. 2016).
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Transboundary international waters governance through the prism of the Mekong River Basin
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Patrick Weiler and Taylor Henshaw. In Trans-jurisdictional Water Law and Governance. Edited by Janice Gray, Cameron Holley and Rosemary Rayfuse. Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. (2016)
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A sacred responsibility: Governing the use of water and related resources in the International Columbia Basin through the prism of tribes and First Nations
Matthew J. McKinney, Richard Kyle Paisley and Molly Smith Stenovic. 37 Pub. Land & Resources L. Rev. 157 (2016)
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Development-forced land grabs and resistance in reforming Myanmar: The Letpadaung Copper Mine
Zerrouk, Emel. Routledge, Ch10, Book on Development Induced Displacement and Resettlement, to be published 27 August 2015. ISBN: 9781138838178
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Aquatic agricultural systems in Cambodia: National situation analysis
Un B, Pech S and Baran E. 2015. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. Program Report: AAS-2015-13.
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Climate change and water governance in Cambodia: Challenge and perspectives for water security and climate change in selected catchments, Cambodia
Sreymom, Sam and Pech, Sokhem, eds. 2015. Phnom Penh: CDRI
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Clearing the muddy waters of shared watercourses governance: conceptualizing international River Basin Organizations
Schmeier, S., Gerlak, A. & Blumstein, S. (2015): International Environmental Agreements, DOI: 10.1007/s10784-015-9287-4
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The 1997 UN Watercourses Convention from a North American Perspective
Paisley, Richard Kyle & Henshaw, Taylor. Specially Invited Opinions and Research Report of the International Water Law Project: Global Perspectives on the Entry into Force of the UN Watercourses Convention 2014: Part Two. Water Policy, Vol. 17(1), pp. 162-186, doi: 10.2166/wp.2014.009 (2015)
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The Lusaka Agreement Task Force as a mechanism for enforcement against wildlife crime
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2015), in Michael Faure, Peter De Smedt & An Stas (eds) “Environmental Enforcement Network: Concepts, Implementation and Effectiveness”, Edward Elgar, Publishing, UK.
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Sovereignty and International Water Agreements
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2015), in Tvedt, Terje, Owen McIntyre and Tadesse Kassa Woldetsadik (eds) Vol 2 “Sovereignty & Development of International Water Law.”
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Claves para la Elaboración de la Evaluación del Impacto Social en el Sector Energético (C-EVIS)
Guigue, A.L y León C. 2015. Guía gratuita Guigue-León. CEGAM
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Transboundary water issues: Water wars
Hardberger, Amy. 23 The Public Lawyer 10-13 (2014).
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Why government must acknowledge the interdependence of energy and water
Hardberger, Amy. Bloomberg BNA's Water Law and Policy Monitor & Bloomberg BNA’s Daily Environmental Report, Nov. 2014
Water pipeline project is wrong for San Antonio
Hardberger, Amy. Tex. Tribune, Oct. 28, 2014
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Fear should not dictate vista ridge decision
Hardberger, Amy. San Antonio Express-News (Oct. 17, 2014)
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Remembering water in the climate change regulatory equation
Hardberger, Amy. ABA 32nd Annual Water Law Conference (June 4-6, 2014)
SAWS impact fees represent more than meets the eye
Hardberger, Amy. Rivard Report (May 22, 2014, 12:11 AM)
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Water is a girl’s best friend: Examining the water valuation dilemma
Hardberger, Amy. 62 Kansas Law Review 101 (2014)
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Understanding the municipal water valuation dilemma
Hardberger, Amy. Texas Water Law CLE (March 27 - 28, 2014)
The media discourse of land grabbing and resistance during Myanmar’s legal reformation: The Monywa Copper Mine
Zerrouk E and Neef, A. 2014. Law and Development Review ISSN 2194-6523
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The institutional design of River Basin Organizations – Empirical findings from around the world
Schmeier, S. (2014): International Journal of River Basin Management, 13, 1, 51-72
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River Basin Organizations lost in translation? Transboundary river basin governance between science and policy
Schmeier, S. (2014): Bogardi, J. et al. (eds): The Global Water System in the Anthropocene. Challenges for Science and Governance, Berlin: Springer, 369-383
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If you can't measure it you can't manage it: Transboundary waters, good governance and data and information sharing and exchange
Paisley, Richard Kyle and Taylor Henshaw. 24 Ind. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev 204 (2014)
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The complexities of developing a transboundary water resources management agreement: experiences from the Nile Basin
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2014), in Michael Kidd “Water and the law,” Edward Elgar, Publishing, UK
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Getting what you need: Designing institutional architecture for effective governance of international waters
Hearns, Glen S., Taylor W. Henshaw and Richard K. Paisley. Elsevier Environmental Development (2014)
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Climate change and transboundary waters: A study of discourse in the Mekong River Commission
Gerlak, A. & Schmeier, S. (2014): Journal of Environment and Development, 23, 3, 358-386
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World’s worst game of telephone: Attempting to understand the conversation between Texas’ legislature and courts on groundwater
Hardberger, Amy. 43 Texas Environmental Law Journal 257 (2013)
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The future of San Antonio: Water and energy needs meet land use planning
Hardberger, Amy. The Rivard Report (Oct. 4, 2013)
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Powering the tap dry: Regulatory alternatives for the energy water nexus
Hardberger, Amy. 84 Colorado Law Review 101 (2013)
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Water Sector Analysis
Pech, Sokhem (2013) in Alexander Smajgl and John Ward (edits), The Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Mekong Region – Assessing Strategies Considering Cross-Sectoral and Transboundary Impacts, Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London, pp. 19-60 ISBN: 978-1-4614-6119-7
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Governing international watercourses: The contribution of River Basin Organizations to the effective governance of internationally shared rivers and lakes
Schmeier, S. (2013): London/New York: Routledge
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Effektives Management grenzüberschreitender Flussgebiete – die Rolle von Flussgebietskommissionen
Schmeier, S. (2013): Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 57, 4, 179-184
A river runs through us: The Columbia River Treaty is a model of international co-operation but it could soon expire
Paisley, Richard Kyle. Volume February / March Canada's History Magazine 48 (2013)
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Transboundary governance of the Nile River Basin: Past, present and future
Paisley, Richard Kyle, and Taylor Henshaw. 7 Elsevier Environmental Development 59 (2013)
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Columbia River Treaty: Past, present and future
Paisley, Richard Kyle and John Shurts. In Bakker, Karen, Emma Norman and Alice Cohen. Water Without Borders: Canada, the U.S. and Shared Water. University of Toronto Press (2013)
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Moving beyond catch in allocation approaches for internationally shared fish stocks
Bailey, Megan, Gakushi Ishiura, Richard Kyle Paisley, and U. Rashid Sumaila. Marine Policy
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Inter-municipal alliances in Mexico: Alternatives and decentralization examples (89-116)
León, C., José Sosa and Sergio Graf. 2013. In Fraga, J., G. J. Villalobos, S. Doyon and Ana García (Coordinators), 2013. De-centralization and environmental management. Coastal Governance in Mexico. Universidad Autonoma de Campeche, Cinvestav. 340 pp.
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Uncoupled public policies and institutions: Persistent challenges for management of altered ecosystems
León, C., and M. Merino-Ibarra. 2013. In Yáñez-Arancibia, A., R. Dávalos-Sotelo, J.W. Day, and E. Reyes (Eds). Ecological Dimensions for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development, WIT Press, Southampton UK, 636 pp.
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Federal subsidies and their effect over land use change in coastal lagoons mangrove ecosystems
León, C. et al. “Diagnóstico de la dinámica y motores de cambio de los manglares de las lagunas La Palma y Mechoacán-Julivá Santa Anita”. CONABIO. 2013.
Tonle Sap now and in the future?
Keskinen M, Matti K, Aura S, Paradis S, Hannu L, Hans M, Philip W, & Sokhem P (2013). Final Report of the Exploring Tonle Sap Futures study, Aalto University and 100Gen Ltd. in partnership with Tonle Sap Authority and Supreme National Economic Council
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Adaptation by a river basin organization: three cases of trigger and adaptive response within the Mekong River Commission
Heikkila, T., Gerlak, A., Bell, A. & Schmeier, S. (2013): Environmental Science and Policy, 25, 1, 73-82
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Lawyers write treaties, engineers build dikes, gods of weather ignore both: Making transboundary international waters agreements relevant, flexible and resilient in a time of global climate change
Hearns, Glen and Richard Kyle Paisley. 6 Golden Gate Univ. Env. Law Journal 259 (2013)
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Institutional architecture and the good governance of international transboundary waters
Hearns, Glen, Richard Kyle Paisley, and Taylor Henshaw (2013)
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Water grabbing/land grabbing in shared water basins the case of Salween River Hatgyi Dam
Zerrouk, E. Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science. Vol. 2, No. 5, 2013, pp. 68-78. doi: 10.11648/j.wros.20130205.13
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Present and future allocation approaches for internationally shared fish stocks
Bailey, Megan., Gakushi Ishimura, Richard Kyle Paisley and U. Rashid Sumaila. Marine Policy 40 (2013) 124–136 (2013)
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Ripples in a Lake
Hardberger, Amy. This Land Press (Nov. 4, 2012)
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The problem with geopolitics: Salween River, development, and the relocation of Indigenous Peoples
Zerrouk, Emel. July 2012. Presented paper at self-organized side event to the HRC (Human Rights Council)/Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN Palais De Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Mekong energy metabolism: Connecting energy demand into the nexus of food-water-energy security
Ward, J., T. Foran, A. Smajgl, L. Bouapao, S. Pech, and X. Lu. (2012) in H. Moinuddin, editor. International Conference on GMS 2020: Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability, 20 - 21 February 2012, Bangkok.
Governing environmental change in International River Basins – The role of River Basin Organizations
Schulze, S. & Schmeier, S. (2012): International Journal of River Basin Management, 10, 3, 229-244
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Navigating cooperation beyond the absence of conflict: Mapping determinants for the effectiveness of River Basin Organizations
Schmeier, S. (2012): International Journal for Sustainable Societies, Special Issue: Water Wars in the 21st Century, 4, 1-2, 11-27
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The future of food, energy and water in the Mekong region: An expert panel approach – Water Sector Analysis
Pech S, 2012. National Flagships “Climate Adaptation”, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), South Victoria, Australia.
Transboundary river governance in the face of uncertainty: The Columbia River Treaty
McCaffrey, Stephen C., Richard Kyle Paisley, Lynette de Silva, and Aaron Wolf in 2014 and Beyond: International Experiences and Lessons Learned, in The Columbia River Treaty Revisited: Transboundary River Governance in the Face of Uncertainty, Oregon State University Press (2012)
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Replicating policy that works: Payment for environmental services in Mexico
León, Cuauhtemoc, Paola Bauche, Sergio Graf, Sofía Cortina, Juan Manuel Frausto. 2012. Solutions Journal 3 (5): 82-88.
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Legal Framework for Development and Balancing of Interests in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2012), in Michael Faure & Willemien du Plessis (eds) “The balancing of interests in environmental law in Africa,” Pretoria University Law Press.
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Environmental regulation of oil and gas exploration and production in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2012), Energy & Natural Resources Law, Vol. 30, No. 2.
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Application of international standards in drafting environmental legislation and law reform projects: The African experience
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2012), International Journal of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform, Vol. 1, Issue 1.
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Study on climate change, disaster risk management and the urban poor
León, Cuauhtemoc. Mexico City Case Study. (2011)
Examining legitimacy and legality in the context of multi-lateral, multi-river basin treaty frameworks - UN Watercourses Convention and Greater Mekong Sub-region
Sokhem P, 2011. (in press) IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science (CWLPS), University of Dundee.
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Some reflections on the resolution of state-to-state disputes in International Waters Governance Agreements.
Paisley, Richard Kyle and Alex Grzybowski. International Journal of Rural Law and Policy, North America, 0, Oct. 2011.
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Developing a Cooperative Framework Agreement for a Transboundary River: Lessons from a comparative analysis of the Mekong and Nile
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B (2011), USA Law-China Law Review, No. 8, Vol. 8.
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Public interest litigation as a mechanism for enforcing environmental rights and duties in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2011), in L Paddock et al “Compliance and Enforcement In Environmental Law: Toward More Effective Implementation,” Edward Elgar, Publishing, UK.
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Energy Law in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2011), Kluwer Law International Publishers, Netherlands.
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Combating climate change in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2011), in J Benidickson et al “Environmental Law and Sustainability After Rio,” Edward Elgar, Publishing, UK.
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Cambodia and Mekong Water Resources Governance
Sokhem P (2010) in Sato J. (ed.) “Transboundary Resources and Environment in Mainland Southeast Asia”, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo, pp. 151 – 170.
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Cooperative management of the Mekong is crucial for over 70 million people
Paisley, Richard Kyle. Memo # 32, Asia Pacific Memo. 26 October 2010 (2010)
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Visión de México sobre REDD+. Hacia una Estrategia Nacional
León, Cuauhtemoc, Mexican REDD+ National Policy (presented at COP 16). (2010)
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Regionale kooperationsstrukturen am Mekong und die institutionalisierte Bewältigung regionaler Konflikte um grenzüberschreitende natürliche ressourcen
Menniken, T. & Schmeier, S. (2010): Internationales Asienforum, 41, 3-4, 215-242
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The impact of colonial agreements on the regulation of the waters of the River Nile
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel B. (2010), Water International Vol. 35, Issue 6, Taylor & Francis, UK.
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Regulatory mechanisms for implementing renewable energy projects in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2010) in R Mwebaza R and L J Kotzé “Environmental governance and climate change in Africa: Legal perspectives,” Institute of Security Studies, South Africa.
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Policy and legal dimensions of CDM projects in forestry sector: Implications for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2010), in B.J. Richardson et al “Climate Law and Developing Countries,” Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, UK.
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Carbon rights in REDD-plus and their implications for Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2010), REDD-net East Africa Bulletin.
Future Palestinian Water I: Resources, Allocation and Perception
Hassan, Marwan A., Graham McIntyre, Abed Al-Rahman Tamimi, Mousa Diabat, Richard Kyle Paisley and Khaled Shahin. Geography Compass 4/2: 118–138 (2010)
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Beyond International Water Law: Successfully negotiating Mutually Beneficial Agreements for International Watercourses
Grzybowski, Alex, Stephen C. McCaffrey and Richard Kyle Paisley. 22 Pacific McGeorge Global Business & Development Law Journal 139 (2010)
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The Greening of Water Law: Managing freshwater resources for people and the environment
Eckstein, Gabriel (ed.), Stefano Burchi, Richard Paisley, and Maaria Curlier. UNEP (2010).
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Book review: Native Peoples and water rights: Irrigation, dams, and the law in Western Canada
Boye, Hana and Richard Kyle Paisley. Matsui, K. 2009. Vancouver: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Water Alternatives 3(2): 469-472. (2010)
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Development of a support tool for complex decision making in the provision of rural maternity care
Hearns, G., M. Klein, W. Trousedale, C. Ulrich, D. Butcher, C Meiwald, R. Lindstrom, S Eftekhary, J. Rosinski, O. Ramírez and A. Procyk (2009). Healthcare Policy, 5(3) 2010: 82-96.
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Managing the risks of CO2 sequestration
Hardberger, Amy & Anderson, Scott. Southwest Hydrology September/October (2009)
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Energy-Water Nexus in Texas
Hardberger, Amy. Environmental Defense Fund Publication (2009) (coauthored with University of Texas)
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Regional cooperation efforts in the Mekong River Basin: Mitigating river-related security threats and promoting regional development
Schmeier, S. (2009): Austrian Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 2, 2, 28-52
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The Role of the judiciary in environmental governance in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2009), in L.J. Kotze and A R Paterson (eds) “The Role of the Judiciary in Environmental Governance: Comparative Perspectives,” Kluwer International Publishers, Netherlands.
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State practice in the management and allocation of transboundary ground water resources in North America
Hardberger, Amy & Gabriel Eckstein. 18 Yearbook of International Environmental Law 96 (2008)
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Why we do the things we do?: The role of ethics in water resource planning
Hardberger, Amy. 6 Santa Clara Journal of International Law 129 (2008)
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From policy to reality: Maximizing urban water conservation in Texas
Hardberger, Amy. Environmental Defense Fund Publication (2008)
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From Rudyard Kipling’s Kim to Amitav Ghosh’s In an Antique Land: An investigation into the representation of the “Other” in a colonial text and a postcolonial text
Zerrouk, Emel. Undergrad Thesis: 2008, Singapore.
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Study on trends of fish resources in the Tonle Sap Basin – Their correlation with hydrological conditions of the Mekong River
Pech, Sokhem, Sunada K, Oishi S, Miyazawa N and Tanaka, 2008. Intl. J. River Basin Management Vol. 6, No. 3 (2008), pp. 277–282.
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Chapter 6 Implementing trans-boundary management of water resources
Pech, Sokhem, 2008 Peer-reviewed book chapter: in: Claudia S, et al (Edit) Share - Management Water across Boundaries, IUCN Environmental Law Programme, IUCN Environmental Law Centre, pp. 85 -93.
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Population growth and natural resources pressures in Mekong River Basin
Pech, Sokhem and Sunada K, 2008. Ambio – A Journal of the Human Environment, Vol. XXXVII, No. 3 (May), Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, pp. 219 - 224.
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Is sharing and caring Mekong Region possible? - Institutional Capacity Assessment for sustainable policy scenarios
Pech, Sokhem and Sunada K, 2008, Peer-reviewed Book Chapter In: The Modern Mekong Myth Book, Finnish Academy of Sciences, Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), pp. 135 - 148.
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Staat oder Markt im sozioökonomischen Entwicklungsprozess. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Rolle des Staates im Entwicklungsprozess in Afrika und Südostasien
Schmeier, S. (2008): Saarbrücken: VDM
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Overview of the UBC / COLMEX / GEF Transboundary International Waters Research Initiative
Paisley, Richard Kyle. (Proceedings of the XIII World Water Congress, Montpellier, France) (2008)
International Watercourses / River Basins including Law, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Simulation Training Exercises
Paisley, Richard Kyle et. al. FAOWATER, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome (2008)
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Mahakali Treaty: Looking through a new lens at water resource development,
Hearns, G (2007) in F. Rotberg and A. Swain (eds) Natural Resources Security in South Asia: Nepal’s Water, Institute for Security and Development Policy, University of Uppsala, Sweden (October 2007)
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Managing transboundary rivers: The case of the Mekong River Basin
Sokhem P, Sunada K and Oishi S, 2007, International Water Resources Association Water International, Volume 32, Number 4, Pg. 503-523, December 2007.
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Alianzas intermunicipales en México: Alternativas y ejemplos para la descentralización
León, C., José Sosa y Sergio Graf. 2007. In Fraga, J., G. Villalobos, B. Campos y S.Doyon. Procesos de Gestión Ambiental y Descentralización en el Manejo Ambiental. Vínculos entre agencias del gobierno, centros de investigación, ONGs y municipios costeros. IDRC-CINVESTAV.
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The development of environmental law and its Impact on sustainable use of wetlands in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2007) in Mbote, et al. (eds) “Land Use Law for Sustainable Development,” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
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In the defence of posterity: Challenges of implementing clean development mechanisms in Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2007) in O.K. Fauchald and J Werksmaneds “16 Year Book of International Environmental Law,” Oxford University Press; Oxford.
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Summaries from the symposium: Precious, worthless, or immeasurable: The value and ethic of water
Hardberger, Amy & Gabriel Eckstein. Proceedings of the Symposium–Precious, Worthless, or Incalculable: The Value and Ethic of Water, Vol. 2, Center for Water Law & Policy and International Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Land Studies, Texas Tech University (A.C. Corrêa & Gabriel Eckstein, eds. 2006)
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Whose job it is anyway? Governmental obligations created by the human right to water
Hardberger, Amy. 41 Texas International Law Journal 533 (2006)
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The governance of the Tonle Sap Lake, Cam bodia: Integration of local, national and international levels
Pech, Sokhem and Sunada K, 2006. Int’l Journal of Water Resources Development, Vol. 22 No. 3, pp. 299 -416.
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Some observations from recent experiences with the governance of international drainage basins
Paisley, Richard Kyle and Glen Hearns in Proceedings of the Symposium - Precious, Worthless, or Incalculable: The Value and Ethic of Water, Vol. 2, Centre for Water Law & Policy and International Centre for Arid and Semi-Arid Land Studies, Texas Tech University. A.C. Corrêa & Gabriel Eckstein, eds. (2006)
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Life, liberty, and the pursuit of water: Evaluating water as a human right and the duties and obligations it creates
Hardberger, Amy. 4 Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights 331 (2005)
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What lies beneath: Determining the necessity of international groundwater policy along the United States–Mexico border and a roadmap to an agreement
Hardberger, Amy. 35 Texas Tech Law Review 1212 (2004)
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International water law, transboundary water resources and development aid effectiveness
Paisley, Richard Kyle. 1 Indian Jurid. Review 67 (2004)
Integrated Coastal Management (ICM): A brief legal and institutional comparison among Canada, the United States and Mexico
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Maaria Curlier, Cuauhtémoc León, Boris Graizbord, Eugene Bricklemyer Jr., 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 195 (2004).
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Transboundary water management: An institutional comparison among Canada, the United States and Mexico
Paisley, Richard Kyle, Cuauhtémoc León, Boris Graizbord and Eugene Bricklemyer, Jr. 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 177 (2004)
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Challenges for managing the North American Coastal Zone
León, Cuauhtémoc, Boris Graizbord, Richard Kyle Paisley, Eugene Bricklemyer and Juan J. del Toro. 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 281 (2004)
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Desiderata for public policy requirements for the Mexican coastline
León, Cuauhtémoc, Boris Graizbord, Richard Kyle Paisley and Eugene Bricklemyer, Jr. 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 221 (2004)
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Ambivalences and asymmetries in the urbanization process in the Gulf of Mexico: Environmental pressures and population concentration
León, C., and H. Rodriguez. 2004. In M. Caso, I. Pisanty and Exequiel Ezcurra, Editors (Spanish Version) Kim Withers and Marion Nipper, Editors (English Translation). Environmental Analysis of the Gulf of Mexico. SEMARNAT-INE- Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies.
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El ordenamiento ecológico como un instrumento de política pública para impulsar el desarrollo sustentable: caso en el noroeste de México
León, C. I. Espejel, L. Bravo, J. Fermán, B. Graizbord, J Sobrino y J. Sosa. 2004. In E. Rivera, Guillermo Villalobos, Isaac Azuz y Fco. Rosado (Eds) El Manejo Costero en México". EPOMEX-SEMARNAT-CETYS-UQROO. 654 pp.
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Preservation of coastal spaces: A dialogue on Oregon’s experience with integrated land use management
Bricklemyer, Eugene, Jr., Shelby Smith, Cuauhtémoc León, Boris Graizbord and Richard Kyle Paisley. 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 239 (2004)
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Appropriate sanitation and integrated coastal management - An ecologically based human waste treatment system for coastal settlements on the Bahia De Navidad, Jalisco State, Mexico
Bricklemyer, Eugene Jr., Alfredo Tomas Ortega Ojedo, Cuauhtémoc León, Boris Graizbord and Richard Kyle Paisley. 9 (2) Ocean and Coastal Law Journal (University of Maine School of Law) 301 (2004)
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Monsters of the Forest: Fighting Ebola in the Congo
Hearns, G (2003), Médecins Sans Frontières Dispatches, Spring.
The role of law and the legal system in the achievement of sustainability in the Fraser River Estuary
Paisley, Richard Kyle. In “The Fraser River Delta: Issues in an Urban Estuary”. The Geological Survey of Canada and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Pacific Division (2003)
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Conflict Resolution: Suits
Paisley, R.K. In EOLSS (Encyclopedia of Life Sciences) UNESCO Project. UNESCO, Paris, France (2003)
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Challenges of negotiating an agreement on a transboundary river: Lessons for the Nile Basin
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2003), in the Uganda Law Focus, Law Development Centre, Kampala.
International water law and down stream benefits
Paisley, Richard Kyle. In Communities in SE Asia: Challenges and Responses, Lansdowne, Helen, Dearden, Philip, and William Neilson, Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria (2002)
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Adversaries into partners: International water law and down stream benefits
Paisley, Richard Kyle. 3 (2) Melbourne Journal of International Law 280 (2002)
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Developing a cadre of professionals with a global environmental perspective
León, C. and M. Robles. 2002. Ocean & Coastal Management 45:633-648.
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International responses to water quality management: Lessons from the Nile
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (2001), Makerere Law Journal, Kampala.
Intangible fences: Intellectual property rights over genetic resources for food and agriculture
Hearns, G. (2000) in C. Schofield et al. (ed) Permeable Borders and Boundaries in a Globalizing World: New Opportunities or Old Problems? International Environmental Law and Policy Series, Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff.
Genetic Resources: Law and Morality
Hearns, G. (1999) in Proceedings of SOS AMAZONAS Symposium, FUNDES; Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera, Bogota November 16-20, 1999.
The relevancy of sub-basin legal and institutional approaches in the Nile basin
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (1998), South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, Durban.
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The environment as human right: Lessons from Uganda
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (1998), African Society of International and Comparative Law, London.
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Transboundary protected area coordination: Experiences in Central America and opportunities in the South China Sea
Hearns, G. (1997) in G. Blake et al. (ed.) International Boundaries & Environmental Security: Frameworks for Regional Co-operation, International Environmental Law and Policy Series, Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff.
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Managing Potential Conflicts in the South China Sea
Hearns, G. and Stormont, W. (1996). Marine Policy, Vol. 20. No. 2. pp. 177-181.
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Sustainable development in the International Tropical Timber Agreements
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (1996), Journal for Energy and Natural Resources Law, University of Dundee, Scotland.
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Poseidon’s trident: Biological diversity preservation, resource conservation and conflict avoidance in the South China Sea
Hearns, G. and Tyedmers, P. (1995) in G. Blake et al. (ed.) The Peaceful Management of Transboundary Resources, International Environmental Law and Policy Series, Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff.
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Science and the establishment of Marine Protected Areas
Paisley, R.K. In Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries: Proceedings of the Symposium on Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries conducted at the Second International Conference on Science and the Management of Protected Areas held at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 16-20 May 1994, Science and Management of Protected Areas Association (1995)
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International water law, pollution risk and the Tatshenshini River
Paisley, R. K. and T. McDaniels. 35 Nat. Res. J. 111. (1995)
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An international legal framework for forest management and sustainable development
Kasimbazi, Emmanuel (1995), Golden Gate University, Annual Survey of International and Comparative Law.
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Preface: Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries
Paisley, R.K. In Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries: Proceedings of the Symposium on Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries conducted at the Second International Conference on Science and the Management of Protected Areas held at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 16-20 May 1994, Science and Management of Protected Areas Association (1995)
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Cooperative fisheries management involving First Nations in British Columbia: An adaptive approach to strategy design
McDaniels, T., Paisley, R.K. and M.C. Healey. 51(9) C.J.F.A.S. 2115 (1994)
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Aquatic resources policy and management in the Mackenzie Basin: Working papers
Bocking, Stephen, Brent Sprecher, Dixon Thompson, Maaria Solin Curlier, and Michael Healey. Westwater Research Centre (UBC) (1994).
Fisheries and the Environment
Paisley, Richard Kyle. Chapter 13 in Thompson, Geoffrey, Moira McConnell and Lynne Huestis, Environment, Law and Business in Canada. Canada Law Book (1993)
Rivers and routes in British Columbia: Final report
Paisley, R. Kyle and Maaria Solin Curlier. Westwater Research Centre (UBC) (1993).
Sustainable development, the environment and the Pacific Rim in the 21st century
Paisley, R. K. 27(1) U.B.C. Law Review 107 (1993)
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Chemical Time Bombs in the Mediterranean
Amezaga, J. and Hearns, G. (1991). Mondial Alternative, Periodic Publications Series. Amsterdam. Autumn 1991.
Pacific fisheries and the emerging International Law of the Sea
Paisley, Richard Kyle. 24 U.B.C. Law Review 105 (1990)
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International Regulation of Fisheries
Paisley, Richard Kyle. In Sustainable Development in Canada: Options for Law Reform. Canadian Bar Association. (1990)
Book Review: Treaties on trial: The continuing controversy over North West Indian Fishing Rights
Paisley, R.K. Book by Fay G. Cohen, Joan La France and Vivian L. Bowden. 3 Can. J. Law and Soc. 279 (1988)
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