Cuauhtémoc León
CUAUHTÉMOC LEÓN is a Mexican marine ecologist and policy advisor who has over forty years of professional experience as an evaluator and project manager in the fields of sustainable development and environmental management. He has vast experience in coordinating multiple environmental and regional development projects. León has worked in multi-disciplinary research teams since 1989, and currently holds the positions of Director and Senior Consultant at the Environmental Management Specialists Center.
He holds a PhD in Environmental Science (coastal management) from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM in Spanish). He did undergraduate studies in Oceanography at the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) and a Master’s in marine ecology at CICESE. He received advanced training in sustainable development as a LEAD Fellow at El Colegio de Mexico. León works primarily in Spanish and speaks English fluently. León's professional qualifications include designing and delivering training skills workshops with topics including cross cultural communication, systems thinking, high efficiency teamwork, and alternative conflict resolution. Some of his recent work has been on sustainable rural development, stakeholder participation, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, REDD+, and protected areas, with institutions such as the Mario Molina Centre, Shell Group, Harte Foundation, Mexican Federal Government, World Bank, GTZ, PNUD, TNC and WWF, among others. As an evaluator who is registered at the federal institution in charge of evaluating federal governmental programs (CONEVAL), he has assessed the progress of public policies and the development of policy instruments (environmental impact, land-use planning, and environmental indicators). Additionally, he has developed the Climate Change Adaptation Program for Mexico City, and advised local governments to develop their actions towards land use planning and climate change risk and vulnerability. Recently, his projects have focused on renewable energy for rural communities, mangrove restoration, and social impact assessment. León brings a multitude of skills to this team, including leadership experience with interdisciplinary teams in highly-efficient and under-pressure jobs. He is a professional facilitator with experience in dialogues, planning, and workshops with governments, private initiatives, civil societies, and academia. He has proven capabilities in mediation, socio-environmental conflict and complex system analysis, and participatory planning techniques (scenarios-logical framework). His sensitivity for interaction with different identities and intercultural communication defines his well-developed verbal and written communication skills in campaigns and strategic communication. And finally, he has a key eye in design for public policies related to sustainable development. |